Juice Cleanse Logistics

  • Are there any fruits that are not okay to eat during a cleanse?

    No, all fruits are acceptable. Bananas or avocados are good fruits if you are experiencing above average hunger levels because they fill you up longer than most other fruits.
  • By what time should the juices be consumed by?

    How often you drink the juices really depends on when you get hungry. There is no right time to drink them, just listen to your body. There is also no right time to be done drinking them. Ideally, we should not eat anything for 3 hours before bedtime, however, these juices digest very fast so eve...
  • Can I drink coffee or tea during my cleanse?

    If you are a regular coffee or tea drinker or you think you are addicted to caffeine we suggest you continue drinking coffee or tea (without any milk, cream, sugar, or sugar substitutes) so you do not go through caffeine withdrawal during the cleanse. If you are addicted to caffeine a safe way t...
  • Can I eat a salad during a juice cleanse?

    Yes, you can have a salad. In fact, if it means the difference between you being able to finish your cleanse or quit because you want to eat something by all means eat a salad every day. We also recommend making your own dressing. Here are two recipes we use that are really good and raw: extra v...
  • Do I still take my vitamins and supplements while doing my cleanse?

    Our juices are packed with real nutrition that your body will absorb instantly. However, if you've been told by your doctor to take certain vitamins, supplements, or medications, you should consult your doctor before changing your routine.
  • How many juices do I drink each day?

    We have designed the cleanse so you drink 6 juices per day. If you are not hungry enough to consume all 6 juices it's ok, just save the extras for the following days as you may be hungrier and need more than 6 juices. If you have juices left over at the end of your cleanse, you can extend your cl...
  • How much water should I drink?

    We suggest drinking water during your juice cleanse as it keeps your body hydrated and flushing out the toxins. However, the amount of water that you should drink is up to you and how you are feeling. You can also try adding fruit to your water like lemons, berries, lime, or cucumber.
  • How often should I drink the juices?

    It really depends on how often you are hungry. If you need to drink a juice every other hour, that is ok. If you drink a juice and you don't feel hungry for 3-4 hours that is ok too. It is also best to alternate the green juices with the other blends, because the protein from the leafy green vege...
  • I feel sick. Should I continue with my juice cleanse?

    It is not uncommon to feel sick during a juice cleanse. All of the nutrition you are consuming causes your body to go into a state of cleaning and releases toxins to be eliminated by your liver and kidneys. Symptoms vary from upset stomach, to headaches, to flu like symptoms. If you feel you are...
  • In what order should I drink the juices?

    We recommend alternating the green juices with the other blends, however, there is no right or wrong order in which to drink each of the juices.
  • What if I am too hungry during the juice cleanse?

    There are a few things you can eat/drink that won’t break the cleanse. Any fresh fruit or vegetable is acceptable and will help you feel full. You can alternate the fruit or vegetables with your juices or consume them at the same time. You should also drink regular, lemon, or cucumber water thro...
  • What should I do BEFORE and AFTER a juice cleanse?

    We advise that everyone ease into and out of a cleanse, no matter how long you intend to cleanse for. You should eat very light foods like fruits, vegetables, salads, non-creamy soups, and drink plenty of water. Plan your cleanse on days that you have the least amount of outside pressures Prepar...
  • What should I do DURING the cleanse?

    Drink up to six juices per day. Drink lots of water in between your juices. Eat fresh and raw fruit and vegetables if you are hungry or need to chew. Get as much rest and sleep as you can. If you need to work out, do something light like walking, yoga, or slow swimming. Here are a few rules of t...
  • When should I plan on starting my juice cleanse?

    It is totally up to you, however, we do have some recommendations. For the best chance at success, plan to start your juice cleanse: during a time with little to no social obligations when you have time to relax with little physical, emotional, or mental demands We know you are busy, so if the t...